In the area of humanitarian assistance, the UN led humanitarian reform with the cluster approach is putting emphasis on enhanced co-operation. The Cluster approach aims to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response by ensuring greater predictability, accountability and partnership, and by encouraging collaboration with other INGOs, local NGOs, the UN and the donor community at large. The cluster system is the most important entry point for NGOs in a humanitarian context and therefore of key importance to Finn Church Aid (FCA).
Given its specialisation in Education in Emergencies, FCA joined the Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG) in 2010, and is a full member of the Global Education Cluster. Within the ECWG, FCA contributes as a Rapid Response Team (RRT) member in order to enhance education coordination during times of emergency, co-leads the Capacity Development Working Group, and is a member of the Field Operations Working Group.
At field level, FCA liaises, consults and participates in the Education Cluster at national level to identify priorities, devise FCA’s response, and coordinate with other actors. On the basis of its capacity, FCA may sometimes contribute to joint education assessments and participate in other cluster activities (workshops, trainings, evaluation of projects, programming).
For more information: Education Cluster Working Group (ECWG)