Get Involved
You can get involved in Finn Church Aid’s work in various ways. By participating, you are giving your time and expertise to help people in need. Your time is a valuable asset in our action for human dignity and we are extremely appreciative of all volunteers.
See if you can find a way to participate that suits you!

Teachers without Borders
Teachers without Borders (TwB) is a volunteer network for Education Professionals. The network strengthens the quality of education in Finn Church Aid’s development cooperation projects by building on Finnish expertise – via distance or on site. The volunteers train and mentor local colleagues and support the education sector structures. The volunteers also have a chance to learn new and develop their expertise.

FCA Research
Research is an important part of the country programmes in our partner countries. If you are a Master’s Degree Student or a Doctoral Researcher, you are welcome to think FCA as a possible partner for your research.

Women’s Bank
Women’s Bank supports women’s vocational training, sustainable entrepreneurship and livelihoods in fragile contexts in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We promote women’s rights and work towards a gender equal world. We are an active network of monthly donors, corporate partners and a national volunteer network. A just world needs us all – you are warmly welcome!

Skills Donation
Skills Donation international volunteer program supports women’s entrepreneurship in Women’s Banks’ projects by building on the expertise of the network members. The volunteer positions focus on specific needs and the solutions are identified together with local actors. The volunteers may, for example, support market research and planning work or offer trainings and mentorship.

Alternative Gifts
Alternative Gifts are valuable, ecological and ethical gifts. These gifts help us secure basic necessities, such as food, security and water, to vulnerable people in catastrophe areas.