FCA selects its Board of Directors for 2023-2026

Finn Church Aid’s new board was selected on Tuesday evening. During the next three-year period, FCA’s Board of Directors consists of
- DI, MBA Helena Arlander (new)
- Director, Swedish Center of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Sixten Ekstrand
- Bishop, Espoo Diocese Kaisamari Hintikka
- Lay Member, National Church Council Plenary, Chair Tarja Kantola
- Missionary and International Responsibility adviser, Jyväskylä Parish Ulla Klemettinen (new)
- Professor, Helsinki University Markku Kulmala (new)
- Member of Parliament Jarno Limnell (new)
- Vicar, Tuira Parish Niilo Pesonen (new)
- Professor, Aalto University Ritva Reinikka
- Head of Legal Team, Fondia Satu Relander (new)
- Editor in Chief, Yle Uutiset Riikka Räisänen (new)
- Principal/Executive Director, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Matti Sarén (new)
- Vicar, Pirkkala Parish Olli-Pekka Silfverhuth
- Adviser, Prime Minister’s Office Antti Toivanen (new)
“The Board of Directors plays an important part in outlining FCA’s work and providing valuable support to the organisation’s leadership”, says Tarja Kantola, who continues as Chair of the Board.
The previous Board of Directors faced several unprecedented crises, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the consequences of multiple crises on East Africa. According to Kantola, FCA reacted swiftly and successfully to the fast-changing operational environment.
“FCA carries out the Church’s international diaconal mission. We work with partners in various operating environments, and our strength is a combination of faith-based understanding and broad knowledge of development and humanitarian aid”, Kantola says.
Tarja Kantola, Board of Directors Chair
tarja.kantola@kirkonulkomaanapu.fi, p. + 358 50 555 0833
Olli-Pekka Silfverhuth, Vicar and Election Committee Chair
olli-pekka.silfverhuth@evl.fi p. +358 50 083 6000
Tomi Järvinen, Executive Director, FCA
tomi.jarvinen@kirkonulkomaanapu.fi, p. +358 406 418 209