FCA to implement a new MFA and EU commissioned education sector planning process in Nepal

FCA will be partnering with University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education (HY+) and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) in the implementation of a new EUR 10 million education sector planning process in Nepal.

THE FIVE-YEAR collaboration is led by HY+ and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Finland and the European Union (EU) and it will be launched in June 2024.

HY+ won the tender for the implementation of Technical Support Cooperation to School Education Sector in Nepal (TECSES) together with University of Helsinki Faculty of Educational Sciences, FCA and Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK).

The TECSES project supports Nepal’s education sector by improving teacher education, including pre- and in-service teacher training. The implementation in provinces, local governments and schools will support quality, equity and inclusion of teaching and learning in Nepal’s Karnali, Madhesh and Sudurpaschim provinces where for many years the learning results have been below the country’s average.

“In Nepal, we are really excited to be collaborating in the TECSES project together with HY+ and other stakeholders in the education space,” says Sofia Olsson, FCA’s Nepal Country Director.

“We look forward to supporting in the project’s implementation over the next five years and see this project as an important cornerstone in the development and modernisation of Nepal’s education sector,” Olsson says.

Aiming for permanent changes in Nepal’s education system

The education sector cooperation between Finland and Nepal aims to support the improvement of teacher training at the three levels of the governance in Nepal. Finland and Nepal have maintained close relations for 50 years with emphasis on developmental cooperation.

“We see education as a key to success and prosperity in our countries of operations. One of our projects that provides technical support to the education sector in Nepal is a good example of our approach: by working closely with various kinds of partners, as well as the host government, we want to aim at having permanent changes in the education system that benefit the people of Nepal,” says Ikali Karvinen, Deputy Executive Director of FCA.

The project will be implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Nepal; with key stakeholders, universities, provincial education training centres, and local governments and in consultation with civil society, municipalities and funding agencies.

“This multi-stakeholder collaboration demonstrates that Finnish actors have much to give in the developing contexts. Finnish education is well known, and we believe that Nepal can benefit out of this expertise – however, at the same time this is also a genuine learning opportunity for us,” Karvinen concludes.

For more information:

Nepal Country Director Sofia Olsson, FCA, Sofia.Olsson@kua.fi, tel. +977 980 662 5668
Deputy Executive Director Ikali Karvinen, FCA, Ikali.Karvinen@kua.fi, tel. +358 40 509 8050