Special purpose audit has ended in Nepal Country Office
Finn Church Aid (FCA) carried out an internal audit in the late autumn of 2017. Some deficiencies were detected in the Nepal Country Office.
The process has not affected the financing, quality of programme work or efficiency of the operations. FCA’s professional and committed staff in Nepal will continue to implement FCA’s strategic goals and the country programme with quality.
FCA has recently started new large projects in Nepal with UNICEF and the EU, among others. These projects and the other programme work will continue in a normal manner. FCA and the Asian Development Bank are also planning cooperation.
The Country Director and the Finance Officer have resigned on January 18, 2018. A new Country Director and Finance Manager will recruited to Nepal Country Office as soon as possible.
More information: Director of International Cooperation Marja Jörgensen marja.jorgensen(at)kua.fi