Tomi Järvinen selected as Executive Director of Finn Church Aid
Finn Church Aid’s (FCA) Board of Directors has appointed Tomi Järvinen as the new Executive Director of Finn Church Aid.
TOMI JÄRVINEN, PhD of Educational Sciences and M.A. of Theology, joined FCA in 2013 and has worked as FCA’s Deputy Executive Director and Director of Strategic Development since April 2021. He has a long experience in development cooperation, particularly in Africa, where he has also worked for World Vision and Fida International in leadership positions. He has served as FCA’s acting Executive Director since the end of October when Jouni Hemberg announced he would retire from the position. Järvinen assumes the position on the 1st of January 2023.
“I am delighted and excited. FCA was founded after War World II to channel assistance to Finland. In time, the helped became the helpers. Today Finland is proud to be the shoulder others can lean upon.”, Järvinen says.
The Executive Director was selected through an open process. FCA received over 30 applications and four were called in for interviews conducted by FCA’s Board of Directors’ working committee.
“After a thorough process we are satisfied with our decision and know that FCA continues to be in good hands”, says the Board’s Chair, Tarja Kantola.
“Besides leadership, Tomi has solid competence in FCA’s thematic areas, such as education, and a strong grassroots level experience from working particularly in African countries. He knows very well the circumstances of the world’s most vulnerable populations as well as FCA’s staff”, Kantola adds.
FCA staff are committed to stand for the rights and dignity of people
Finn Church Aid is Finland’s largest international aid organisation with 12 country offices in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Europe, where FCA opened an office in Ukraine this year in support of its humanitarian response. FCA represents the international diaconal work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
“Our staff are committed to stand for the rights and dignity of people, which is crystallised in our mission: Action for Human Dignity”, Järvinen says.
“Now, more than ever, we want to be the channel for realising that mission. The support of the Church and parishes, private donors, companies, Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and an increasing number of international donors are the preconditions for our work. We continue to make every effort to be a dependable and effective actor for what we most of all want to be – neighbours to each other.“
More information:
Tarja Kantola, Chair of FCA’s Board of Directors tarja.kantola@kirkonulkomaanapu.fi, +358 50 555 0833
Tomi Järvinen, Executive Director (from January 1, 2023) tomi.jarvinen@kirkonulkomaanapu.fi, +358 406 418 209