Promoting Gender Equality in Eritrea through Teacher Education

Key facts
Total project budget 339 051 €
Duration 2018–2019
Direct beneficiaries 1384 people
Indirect beneficiaries all 1400 schools in Eritrea
The project ‘Promoting Gender Equality in Eritrea through Teacher Education’ seeks to promote right to quality education, especially of girls and women, by contributing to a more inclusive and gender sensitive education system in Eritrea.
Main outcomes
- Advanced gender knowledge in the curriculum for teacher education
- 15 education leaders have completed the intensive Gender and Education training course and are able to act as trainers and gender resource persons
- 50 teacher trainers have an increased understanding of regarding gender and education
- 400 students have received lectures on gender in education
- 5 researches on gender and education are conducted and staff members of the Teacher Education Institutes have participated in international academic exchange and conferences
- 160 teachers and education officials have participated in national and regional level policy dialogues on gender education
- 250 teachers from middle schools and secondary schools have increased their knowledge of how to tackle gender issues in schools, including genderbased violence and harmful traditional practices
- A Gender Toolkit is prepared and distributed to 1400 schools in Eritrea
- 500 summer programme students have a basic understanding of gender principles in education.
Mainstreaming gender in teacher education
The teacher training institute in Eritrea plays a key role in ensuring forthcoming teachers will be equipped with tools, skills and attitudes that make them knowledgeable in
gender issues in their future profession.
This project promotes gender equality in the education sector in Eritrea by ensuring that evidence-based gender specific content is included in teacher education with the potential of reaching teachers and pupils throughout the country.
The main development partners of the project are the Teacher Education Institute, the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) and the Teachers Association of Eritrea (TAE) as well as the Ministry of Education (MoE) and the National Higher Education Research Institute (NHERI).
The initiative is co-funded by the European Union – The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).