REGAL-IR-Peace Building in Kenya

Photo: Hilkka Hyrkkö

Key Facts:

Budget: Consortia in which FCA’s share is USD 2,570,424
Start date:
End date: 1/2017

Finn Church Aid (FCA) is implementing the peace component of a larger programme “Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands – Improving Resilience” (REGAL-IR) by a consortium led by African Development Solutions and funded by USAID. FCA has been granted USD 2,570,424 to work in five Counties of Northern Kenya to assist communities and clans to resolve inter-communal conflicts, which are common across much of the arid lands of northern Kenya. The project has adopted a community based approach where FCA is building the capacity of local pastoral communities and authorities to resolve and prevent inter-tribal conflicts. The role of FCA is to facilitate mediation and to strengthen community-based conflict prevention and mediation mechanisms. FCA will also build the capacity of other members of the consortium in conflict sensitivity. When possible, FCA cooperates with local implementing partners, and where local partners are perceived to be biased to resolve conflicts, FCA will work directly with the communities and local authorities.

Main outcomes:

  • Communities and local authorities in the five targeted counties are facilitated to resolve outstanding conflicts.
  • Enhanced effectiveness of conflict resolution mechanisms (led and implemented by community-based institutions and committees.)
  • Mainstream conflict resolution in REGAL-IR.

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