The Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers was initiated in 2013 as a joint effort by Finn Church Aid (FCA), the UN Mediation Support Unit (MSU) in the Department of Political Affairs, UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and Religions for Peace (RfP). This initiative is the first of its kind: a global network that consists of religious and traditional leaders and organisations supporting their mediation and peace-building efforts. FCA currently functions as the interim secretariat responsible for implementing all the activities of the Network this year.
The objective of the Network is to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of mediation efforts through strengthening local ownership and supporting the positive role of religious and traditional leaders in mediation. The Network’s activities include assignments by the MSU, or other international actors, to consult, carry out assessments, and facilitate contacts with the religious & traditional leaders; working groups on gender and the prevention of radicalisation; as well as providing trainings for the UN, state mediators, and religious and traditional leaders.