Responsible and open use of resources in accordance with good management practices and the principles of sustainable development are a starting point for all of our operations. We appreciate all resources that are donated to us and strive to utilise them in an open and efficient manner.
A significant part of the funds available for development cooperation and disaster-related work is used to purchase various goods and services. The ultimate goal of all procurement is to support the people who are most disadvantaged. FCA offices and local partner organisations are responsible for ensuring that beneficiaries get maximum benefit from the funds donated to our work.
We aim to conduct all procurement activities in an ethical and environmentally sustainable manner. In addition to financial considerations, the procurement of goods and services at FCA takes into account values such as good governance, employment conditions and environmental impact. Supporting local communities is an essential part of development cooperation, and we strive to purchase locally produced goods and services whenever possible and feasible.
Procurements are conducted in accordance with specified procedures, in a transparent and accountable manner, and in line with relevant legislation. All tenderers are treated equally without discrimination.
Contact information
Finn Church Aid
P.O.Box 210 (Eteläranta 8)
FI-00131 Helsinki